ANZ Training
How to deliver training to up to 4,000 bankers across branches in Australia, New Zealand and Asia in a complex, new IT system in a way that is affordable, timely and ensures consistent communication across different geographies?
ANZ’s new software assists banking staff when proposing products with customers. The challenge was how to rollout and train staff in the software in a timely fashion, when they are dispersed across multiple countries. The traditional method of face to face education was not a viable option given the logistics, time and cost required.
The solution was to record a series of presentations by the trainer, which were then enhanced with text and graphics to create comprehensive learning videos. These would then be hosted on ANZ’s Intranet where staff could log in and go through the program at their own pace.
“Video allows us to capture the essence and key material, package it up and redeploy it for new starters as part of their induction program… Video is not going to replace face to face training in all instances, there’s always a time and a need for specialists to express their knowledge and understanding, however video is a key component moving forward.”
With video we can create effective and memorable learning content.
Our briefing with ANZ uncovered the material was for an internal audience, which is effectively an educated target market. This requires a different approach to developing content for an uneducated audience, for example we can be more technical. Targeting an internal audience that’s required to watch the content allows us to approach the subject matter from a more informative point of view and to tone down the level of entertainment that would otherwise be required where viewing is voluntary.
Rather than simply delivering a 45minute recording of the presentation, we proposed editing the materials into ten, easily consumable videos, providing staff with flexibility to choose how much they digested in any one viewing. Each step included relevant screenshots from the software. To reinforce the presenter’s dialogue, we added graphics that would engage the audience and reinforce key messages.
“The power of video is exceptional in the sense that it allows a learner to go through the content at their own pace. In a traditional classroom setting people can often get embarrassed or nervous around asking particular questions. Whereas with video they can pause, rewind and replay so as to really absorb the key messages in the comfort of their own environment.”
We needed to create instructional and engaging videos that could be rolled out internally very quickly.
The ANZ Intranet has a strict set of protocols pertaining to the content it hosts, including restrictions around the size of files. Rather than chopping back important content to meet this restriction, we were able to make stylistic choices, such as keeping the presenter static and exporting it to the most compressed format possible. By using larger graphics, that don’t lose their form as much when compressed, we were able to overcome these challenges and ensure we were delivering quality viewing material.
The presenter successfully read from an autocue whilst shot on a green screen in a studio. We shot three versions – wide, mid and close enabling us to cut between the three tapes to create dynamic movement and therefore more visual interest. For example, cutting in close enables us to emphasise key messages.
The graphics needed to be on brand and consistent with the look of the software, the website supporting the software – as well as with ANZ’s brand guidelines. They had to be relevant to enhance the material and reinforce key messages, rather than distracting the viewer. We applied a different colour to each chapter to aid the series navigation for the user.
“Collaboration was excellent from the outset. It felt like Burninghouse were really interested in our project and our needs, as opposed to some of the other vendors we met with that had a cookie cutter approach and wanted to push that upon us.”
We created ten videos to document the ten step training process for the new software. These were all hosted on the ANZ Intranet.
The outcome was the creation of an affordable, ongoing learning resource that can be accessed on demand.
Burninghouse has shaped the way ANZ delivers its training programs by providing a series of engaging and effective videos that can be distributed across geographies in a timely and affordable manner and ensures consistency of messaging to all those receiving the training.
The video series will allow the training to easily be rolled out to new staff in future a consistent manner, whilst also providing a resource for existing staff to revisit as they desire.
Segmenting the training into ten chapters has meant we’ve created an accessible and smart system for delivery of the learning materials.
This outcome has allowed the ANZ to realise a saving ten times greater than the cost of executing this training face-to-face in a traditional classroom setting.
“The content we’ve delivered for this project has been an absolute success. Everybody who’s seen this has really embraced it, shared it and asked how they can do it for their particular project.”