Safe Work Australia
Safe Work Australia (SWA) recognised the use of animation as a powerful communication tool in driving awareness and providing guidance for small businesses on work health and safety risk assessments they could take to operate safely during COVID-19.
Burninghouse created a ‘Tiny World’ 2D animation, that was a representation of the Australian small business landscape. After establishing this tiny world of small businesses, we zoomed into different business interiors. These interiors were illustrated in a simple 2D manner, clearly conveying the nature of the specific business (eg. Hairdresser, Butcher, Garage, Accountants office etc.).
As action in each interior environment, we implemented simple pictogram animations and dynamic kinetic text, bringing to life the SWA’s informative guidance, for operating safely during COVID-19.
The end result of the interaction of the suggestive business environments, coupled with the infographic pictogram elements and clear text, created an instantly recognisable, highly informative sand repeatable structure for delivering this important, ongoing COVID-19 messaging.
The content was distributed across a variety of SWA and partner stakeholder’s owned and earned digital channels and platforms, speaking to diverse external audiences.